Thursday, January 5, 2012

American Art Museum

Check out this video about Crystal Bridges Art Museum in Bentonville, Arkansas.

Please comment on your reaction to this video, and the discussion topics as well as other's opinions and reactions.  Be respectful and aware that this is an assignment for Portfolio. I am reading this! 

What do you think about:
              the attitude of those who believe significant pieces of art should not be in Arkansas? 
             The Wall Street Journal's comment that Allice Walton may be a "...hovering culture vulture." as reported?
            were there other portions of this video on which you would like to comment?


  1. I tried to watch the video but I keep getting a message saying, "Invalid parameters". So I can't watch it.

  2. Taylor, I have changed the link and I think this one works better. The video is toward the bottom of the page. Let me know if it doesn't work and I will revisit it again. Thanks!

  3. I think it is strange that people get so worked up over art work they never see. Thomas Eakin’s Gross Anatomy was rarely seen, yet when they try to move it to a public museum the people throw a fit. If Ms. Walton has the money to buy a painting she has every right to do so. Art is to be viewed not to be hidden.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree with Taylor on the fact that it is ridiculous that these people are so upset. It would be different if she was buying the artwork and just keeping it in storage or something, but she is displaying it in a museum where it will be taken care of and open to the public. As long as the art is being preserved and displayed it should not matter where the museum is located.

  4. I think how The Wall Street Journal labeled Ms.Walton. She's an heiress of Walmart industry. Just because she has the money to buy these historical paintings doesn't give the right to insinuate she is stealing Arkansas treasures. In the video, it stated that most people in Arkansas never saw the paintings. Well who's fault is that? All Ms. Walton is doing is distributing amazing art to the public. Also, the Museum is beautiful and can be reassured those pieces of art will be illustrate it's true allurement. Treasures shouldn't be kept hidden; it should be shared to the public for inspiration and it's renown grace.

  5. The fact that people complain about where the art is is ridiculous. As if it matters where it is. It doesn't matter as long as it's being viewed right? Thats the point of art. They also go crazy when they hear that Ms. Walton was buying the art, as if she was stealing it. But thats a stupid thing to say because she paid an absurd and reasonable amount for the art which is fair. If she paid 20 million dollars for something than its safe to say it's hers. It's not like the art is being put up in a alley way in some random town thats not on the map or anything, it's going into a museum that costs more than all the art in the museum and is just as pretty and valuable.

  6. I agree that it's ridculous that people are freaking out about her buying these pieces of art. Also it's not like she's buying these pieces of art to hide away in her home, she's going to put them in a museum so everyone will be able to view them.
