Thursday, January 26, 2012

Egyptian Art


Read this article:

Pick two from the following  four videos.

1- The Great Pyramids

2- The Sphinx

3- Temple

4- Egyptian town (use both links)

 Read the article about Nefertiti

Find a photo of the portrait bust of Nefertiti by Thutmose.  Find a photo of the portrait bust of Queen Tiye. from Gurob.

Write an informational reaction about each video you watched.  Respond to two video reactions from your classmates.  

From the Nefertiti article:  Do you agree that the vandalism to the bodies was the work of disgruntled priests or do you think it is the work of some one else?  Why?


  1. On the pyramids. I find it interesting to watch videos or read stories about the pyramids, because I've always been skeptical as to how they were actually made. 20 guys pulling 7 tons of weight by ropes up a mile long ramp over and over just doesn't seem plausible to me. especially since the ramps themselves would have taken a really long time to build. not to mention that there's more than one great pyramid. i don't know. its a work of art alright. The Sphinx is really interesting to read about too. it's eery and something about it draws you in to examine it in detail.

    Nefertiti i'm not all too sure about. they say that grave robbers or mad priests defiled her. But heck, it could have been animals or something for all we know. Probably not. Maybe the three mummies were dropped on the way in and thats why their feet are messed up. though more than likely they did to the bodies what the priests thought would actually happen to the dead if they were to mess with them, they would be affected in the afterlife by things that happen to them in the physical one. It's a stupid thing to believe though.

  2. I think it is very possible that priests vandilized the body of Nefertiti after her death. She was a controversial person in the time period. Changing the basis of Egypt's religion would cause an uproar, but if she also dressed as a man to be pharaoh that could cause even bigger troubles. People can react very violently when things the strongly support are messed with. If the priest who prepared her body for the after life was one who didn't like her changes he could have easily have damaged Nefertiti's body, for his final revenge.

    I find it amazing that even though the Sphinx is a big as it is, it was covered by sand for so long. I also love how Egyptian art has a deeper meaning when it came to religion. Most of there Monuments were placed in specific area's so they mirror the stars or watch the rising sun. The art means so much more because of the implications they put on them

    I've always been fascinated with the great pyramids. Its amazing that they were able to be built with the basic tools they had to work with and by pure man power. Though it's sad to think that the people who built it were slaves and were forced to work so hard to prepare the massive monuments for Gods and pharaohs who they don't believe in and treat them poorly.

  3. I agree with john that the sphinx is somewhat eerie
    , but I disagree with his skepticism on how the pyramids where built. I think it's very possible for men to work for that long and create the pyramids.

  4. I was a bit surprised of the Egyptian town clip. I mean, when I thought of building a tomb, it was forced labor and what not. But to learn that they were favorites of many and to the king, was an eye opener. Though skills of that magnitude is amazing and should be honorable. In away I would be creep-ed out if someone wanted me to build and decorate their home or grave.
    To be completely honest, I am one of the many that when seeing the sphinx, instant flashback of the 1999 movie, The Mummy, turn up. The sphinx is a beautiful and magnificent statue. I almost want to thank the sands for per-serving her this long. It's thrilling to think that something more may pop up in the sands and unlock more mysteries. I guess that's why many call it the sands of time.

    Now, Nefertiti really drew in my attention of how she was vandalized. I honestly think it was the priest's doing of the dismembered queen. Even though it's a theory of Joann Fletcher, it somewhat fits. The Egyptians were crucial of the after life; from the fact of storing elements of the soul (which were hearts,brains,etc.) in urns. To cause torment to those in the after life is possible for the knowledge of a priest to do, or of someone who greatly hated her. Even though the villain can range from a priest or grave robber, time has altered the evidence. So really it's a fifty fifty chance of who is right in the end.

  5. The first video was about the pyramids and I thought it was really interesting. I've always found it hard to imagine just how how big the pyramids are, just because they're so huge. I think it's really bizarre how fast that they would of had to of been made too, since they're so huge.

    The second video I watched was on Temple. I think it's interesting the Ramsey wanted the temple to be so big that it sat him amongst the gods. I think it's interesting that it was carved out of rocks, rather than them just stacking rocks.

    I agree that the vandalism of Nefertiti's body could have been done since she was such a controversial person of her time.
