Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The 20th Century- The Establishment of Modern Art

Scientific and technological discovery reign supreme during this time period. Radio, radar, television, talking motion pictures, automobiles, airplanes, jet planes, electric railways, municipal transit systems, electric street lighting, and home appliances were all technological advances made during this time period.  The world wars were catalysts to many inventions, discoveries, and advancements.  On the scientific front many advancements were also made- the electron microscope, electronic instrumentation for machines, biochemistry, plastics, polymers and antibiotics were just some of the advancements.  On the architecture prestressed and reinforced concrete made larger buildings possible.

Art Nouveau was a movement whose participants tried to incorporate natural forms into architecture and the decorative arts. Check out the pictures on the link below.
Art nouveau

Andre Derain
Henri Matisse
Gustav Klimt
Kathe Kollwitz
Franz Marc (off limits to Jared- you need to learn about others ;) )
Max Beckmann
Stuart Davis
Marcel Duchamp
Piet Mondrian
Alexander Calder
Henry Moore
Georgia O'Keeffe
Marcel Duchamp
Frida Kahlo
Marc Chagall
Dorthea Lange
Edward Hopper

Claim one artist above to create a fake wall for.  The idea here is to use the following link to create a Facebook type "wall" for the artist.  Include a lot of biographical information. Make sure I can find your work.  If someone has already posted a fake wall for your artist do it anyway :)
Fake Wall

Pick two artist to send on a date.... Those highlighted in pink are women.  Research both of these artists to find out enough about them to guess what would happen if you sent them on a date.  Think about first dates and the learning about one another period.  If you don't try to learn about the other person on a first date then you have just gotten dating advice from Mrs. Lubinski (that's probably not a good thing).  Post the converstions the artists have on the date.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Nineteenth Century Pluralism of Styles

Yes, we skipped a lot of information again.  Hope that's alright with you!?


1801 Thomas Jefferson is elected President of America
1803 Napoleon sells the Louisiana Purchase to America to fund his war
1804 Napoleon makes himself emperor of France
1807 Slave trade abolished in Britian
         Napoleon controls most of Europe
1814 British forces burn Washington D.C. before negotiating peace for Canada
         Stevenson builds the first steam locomotive
1819 Spain cedes Florida to America
1828 Francisco Goya dies
1837 Daguerre invents the Daguerreotype a precursor to the photograph
1838 Mass relocation of Native Americans- the Trail of Tears
1848 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels publish the "Communist Manifesto"
        Texas becomes part of America
        The gold rush begins
1859 Charles Darwing publishes "Origin of the Species"
1861 Abraham Lincoln is elected President of America
         The civil war starts (America)
1863 Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg address
1865 the civil war ends
         slavery is abolished
1866 Alfred Nobel produces dynamite
1874 first Impressionist exhibit
1876 Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone
         Custer's last stand
1877 Thomas Edison invents the first phonograph
1878 Thomas Edison invents the first electric light
1885 George Eastman markets the first box camera
1886 Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz produce the first automobiles
1889 The Eiffel Tower is built in Paris
1890 Death of Vincent vcan Gogh
        The London Underground opens (an all electric subway)


 JMW Turner
Hudson River School

REALISM (a reaction against Romanticism)

Gustav Courbet
Thomas Eakins
Winslow Homer


Edgar Degas
Claude Monet

Camille Pissaro


Henri Rousseau MY FAVORITE!!!
Edvard Munch

scavenger hunt

This artist was an intense anti-semite.

What year did Eastman mraket his box camera?

His paintings showed peasants in a realistic manner rather than a glamorizing their situations.

His early works were about the civil war, his later works were about the sea.

This artist grew up in Oslo, Norway.

This artist was said to be "...passionately in love with passion."

This arist was his studio assisstant.

There is some confusion about this artist's first/middle name.

This artist worked as a customs officer.

This artist attended Jefferson Medical College while attending the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts.