Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Nineteenth Century Pluralism of Styles

Yes, we skipped a lot of information again.  Hope that's alright with you!?


1801 Thomas Jefferson is elected President of America
1803 Napoleon sells the Louisiana Purchase to America to fund his war
1804 Napoleon makes himself emperor of France
1807 Slave trade abolished in Britian
         Napoleon controls most of Europe
1814 British forces burn Washington D.C. before negotiating peace for Canada
         Stevenson builds the first steam locomotive
1819 Spain cedes Florida to America
1828 Francisco Goya dies
1837 Daguerre invents the Daguerreotype a precursor to the photograph
1838 Mass relocation of Native Americans- the Trail of Tears
1848 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels publish the "Communist Manifesto"
        Texas becomes part of America
        The gold rush begins
1859 Charles Darwing publishes "Origin of the Species"
1861 Abraham Lincoln is elected President of America
         The civil war starts (America)
1863 Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg address
1865 the civil war ends
         slavery is abolished
1866 Alfred Nobel produces dynamite
1874 first Impressionist exhibit
1876 Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone
         Custer's last stand
1877 Thomas Edison invents the first phonograph
1878 Thomas Edison invents the first electric light
1885 George Eastman markets the first box camera
1886 Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz produce the first automobiles
1889 The Eiffel Tower is built in Paris
1890 Death of Vincent vcan Gogh
        The London Underground opens (an all electric subway)


 JMW Turner
Hudson River School

REALISM (a reaction against Romanticism)

Gustav Courbet
Thomas Eakins
Winslow Homer


Edgar Degas
Claude Monet

Camille Pissaro


Henri Rousseau MY FAVORITE!!!
Edvard Munch

scavenger hunt

This artist was an intense anti-semite.

What year did Eastman mraket his box camera?

His paintings showed peasants in a realistic manner rather than a glamorizing their situations.

His early works were about the civil war, his later works were about the sea.

This artist grew up in Oslo, Norway.

This artist was said to be "...passionately in love with passion."

This arist was his studio assisstant.

There is some confusion about this artist's first/middle name.

This artist worked as a customs officer.

This artist attended Jefferson Medical College while attending the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts.


  1. 1. Edgar Degas
    2. 1885
    3. Camille Pissarro
    4. Winslow Homer
    5. Edvard Munch
    6. Delacroix
    7. I could not find this one
    8. JMW Turner
    9. Henri Rousseau
    10. Thomas Eakins

  2. sorry I didn't Send this sooner i was at church for most of the day

    1. Degas was an anti-semite
    2. in 1885 Eastman began marketing his box camera
    3. Gustav Courbet painted people in a realistic way
    4. Winslow Homer started painting civil war scenes then progressed to sea paintings
    5. Edvard Munch is from norway
    6. Delacroix was passionately in love with passion which is perfect for a painter from the romanticism period
    7. Hopkins ?
    8. JMW Turner
    9. Henri Rousseau was a customs officer
    10. Thomas Eakins

  3. 1. Edgar Degas
    2. 1885
    3. Courbet, Gustave (Burial at Orans 1850)
    4. Winslow Homer
    5. Edvard Munch
    6. Eugene Delacroix (…but coldly determined to expression passion as clearly as possible)
    7. J.M.W. Turner
    8. Camille Pissarro (Spanish confused is last as Pizzarro)/ Francois-Auguste-Rene Rodin (cut short to Rodin, Auguste)
    9. Henri Rousseau
    10. Thomas Eakins
