Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The 20th Century- The Establishment of Modern Art

Scientific and technological discovery reign supreme during this time period. Radio, radar, television, talking motion pictures, automobiles, airplanes, jet planes, electric railways, municipal transit systems, electric street lighting, and home appliances were all technological advances made during this time period.  The world wars were catalysts to many inventions, discoveries, and advancements.  On the scientific front many advancements were also made- the electron microscope, electronic instrumentation for machines, biochemistry, plastics, polymers and antibiotics were just some of the advancements.  On the architecture prestressed and reinforced concrete made larger buildings possible.

Art Nouveau was a movement whose participants tried to incorporate natural forms into architecture and the decorative arts. Check out the pictures on the link below.
Art nouveau

Andre Derain
Henri Matisse
Gustav Klimt
Kathe Kollwitz
Franz Marc (off limits to Jared- you need to learn about others ;) )
Max Beckmann
Stuart Davis
Marcel Duchamp
Piet Mondrian
Alexander Calder
Henry Moore
Georgia O'Keeffe
Marcel Duchamp
Frida Kahlo
Marc Chagall
Dorthea Lange
Edward Hopper

Claim one artist above to create a fake wall for.  The idea here is to use the following link to create a Facebook type "wall" for the artist.  Include a lot of biographical information. Make sure I can find your work.  If someone has already posted a fake wall for your artist do it anyway :)
Fake Wall

Pick two artist to send on a date.... Those highlighted in pink are women.  Research both of these artists to find out enough about them to guess what would happen if you sent them on a date.  Think about first dates and the learning about one another period.  If you don't try to learn about the other person on a first date then you have just gotten dating advice from Mrs. Lubinski (that's probably not a good thing).  Post the converstions the artists have on the date.


  1. For my wall i'll do Franz Marc and for my date i'll do Franz Marc and Georgia O'Keeffe.

  2. Just so everyone knows, I tried the fake wall link on three different computers and I even googled the website and every time it said "this website is offline" and would not pull it up. If you get it to work please let me know.

  3. Franz Mark
    Birthday: February 8, 1880
    Born in Munich
    Ethnicity: German
    Occupation: Painter/printmaker
    Married twice
    Famous Works:
    Fate of the Animals
    The Yellow Cow
    Fighting Forms
    Founded the journal called Der Blaue Reiter

    Date Conversation:
    Franz-"So, tell me about yourself. Where were you born?"
    Georgia-"In America in a small town in Wisconsin called Sun Prairie."
    Franz-"That sounds nice. What did you do for fun there?"
    Georgia-"Well, I lived on a dairy farm so we didn't have much free time but we liked to go fishing and play outside."
    Franz-"Do you have any siblings?"
    Georgia-"Yes, I am the second of seven. Do you?"
    Franz-"Wow! Yes, I have one older brother and one younger brother and one younger sister."
    Georgia-"So, where did you grow up?"
    Franz-"In part of the Bavarian Empire it's called Munich. That's also where I went to school."
    Georgia-"What school did you attend?"
    Franz-"The Academy of Fine Arts. What about you?"
    Georgia-"The School of Art Institute in Chicago."
    Franz-"What is your favorite style of art?"
    Georgia-"I love to paint abstract flowers. Although, I almost gave up art once."
    Franz-"I love to paint nature also. Why?"
    Georgia-"Because i couldn't distinguish myself as an artist within the mimetic tradition I was taught. But later on I got a job as a commercial artist in Chicago."
    Franz-"I see. Have you ever been married?"
    Georgia-"Yes, once. Have you?"
    Franz-"Twice. But I don't have any children."
    Georgia-"Neither do I. Well, we have a lot in common! Do you think that we can do this again sometime?"
    Franz-"Of course! It was nice meeting you."
    Georgia-"You too."

  4. Edward Hopper
    birthday July 22, 1882
    lives in New York
    occupation painter
    movement precisionism
    famous works
    nighthawks, and my self portrait

    date with Kathe Kollwitz

    Edward- Hello
    Kathe - hallo
    Edward - How are you? You look nice.
    Kathe - Ich bin gut wie geht es dir? dank(I am good how are you? thanks)
    Edward - sorry what?
    Kathe - oh sorry i did not know you don't speak german
    Edward - no I'm afraid I don't. I saw your drawings the other day, they were beautiful but haunting.
    Kathe - thank you, I really enjoy your paintings, there is a beautiful realism to them.
    Edward - thanks
    Kathe - so why did Europe not effect your paintings?
    Edward - I liked Europe their was just something about home and the styles here that influenced me more
    Kathe - understandable
    *ding Ding*
    Kathe - well looks like are speed date is over
    Edward - yes unfortunately so, it was nice meeting you we should keep in touch
    Kathe - of course!

  5. Marcel Duchamp
    Birth: July 28, 1887
    Born: Blainville, France
    Ethinicity:Caucasian French
    Occupation:French painter
    Movement: Dadaist and Surrealist
    Relationship status:
    Famous Works:Nude Staircase
    Status: Feeling six feet under

    Art Harmony Date Match

    Marcel: Well hello there spicey tamalie
    Frida: Oh my, ¡Hola Frenchi *giggles*
    Marcel: How are you this evening?
    Frida: I am doing well. Where are you from?
    Marcel: I live in France but it varies because I go to the States for my work.
    Frida: What is your occupation?
    Marcel: I am a painter,chess player,mathmatician, librarian. One of my famous work in art though is the Nude Staircase. Here I will send you a link. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/c0/Duchamp_-_Nude_Descending_a_Staircase.jpg/220px-Duchamp_-_Nude_Descending_a_Staircase.jpg
    Frida: It is so modern!
    Marcel: I'm surprise you recognize its style.
    Frida: Takes an artist to know another.
    Marcel: Your an artist as well?
    Frida: That I am. My art though is based around symbolism and surrealism. I will admitt, majority of my art is self portraits but it is a way to express myself.
    Marcel: I can see much of your surrealism my lady!
    Frida: Are you married?
    Marcel: I used to be, but I divorced Lydie Sarazin-Lavassor. I believe I put the chains and shackles on too soon.
    Frida: I agree with your view. I am divorced as well, Diego was a tramp with his love affairs, he even slept with my sister!
    Marcel: Erm... lets lighten the mood with chess. I love playing chess.
    Frida: Let's make this interesting if you lose you have to tell me the most silliest thing you have ever done.
    *playing the game*
    Frida: Okay. Where did you graduate?
    Marcel:The Academie Julian. Bishop to queen.
    Frida: grrr... I'll show you. *click click click, Shuffle shuffles* I WON! Now my reward.
    Marcel: Sigh* The most silliest thing I have ever done was that I dressed as a woman and called myself Rros Selavy.For fun of course.
    Frida: You dressed as a woman...
    Marcel: Don't JUDGE ME!!!
    Frida: erm... i will go now...
